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LIVE DIG ACTION!! Nokta Legend left me speechless.
LIVE DIG ACTION!! Nokta Legend 11" coil hits deep dime at 40khz in the park.
LIVE DIG ACTION!! Nokta Legend LG28 this is why you dig iffys!!
LIVE DIG SILVER!! Nokta Legend 6" coil at the epic permission!!
LIVE DIG ACTION!! The treasure that gets left behind!! Start with shat end with shat!!
LIVE DIG ACTION!! Nokta Legend in extreme conditions.
LIVE DIG ACTION!! Nokta Legend and the most important qualiies of any detector.
LIVE DIG ACTION!! Nokta legend working well for me!!
LIVE DIG ACTION!! Nokta Legend going DEEP DEEP for relic. Paystreak is very happy!!
LIVE DIG ACTION!! Always getting targets with the Nokta Legend in this small park.
LIVE DIG BRACELET!! Nokta Legend 6" coil and fire ants down my pants dance!!
LIVE DIG RINGS ACTION!! Nokta Legend sniper coil in "Beast Mode"